Delivery fee
Delivery fees for each delivery method are outlined below.
Price: $20. Days to arrive: 14-21 working days.
Please note:
Delivery windows apply to orders received by 12pm EST;
Orders received after 12pm EST will be processed the following business day;
Working days do not include weekends or public holidays;
Each order must have one delivery address;
You may be required to sign for deliveries.
Refunds and Returns
Items purchased on the Kultrab website can be returned for refund or exchange.
Should you make an error when ordering online, Kultrab will gladly exchange your item for the item you intended to purchase. The returned item must be unopened and in its original saleable condition. You are responsible for the Delivery and additional postage charges.
Prices and Payment
All prices on the website are in US dollars and do not include applicable sales taxes. The total cost including any applicable taxes will be displayed during checkout, once you have selected your billing and Delivery address. Prices are subject to change without notice.
The amount payable to Kultrab for an Order (Order Amount) will be the total of the following amounts:
the sum of the price of each Product ordered as indicated on the website at the time of submitting the Order (Product Subtotal);
the cost of delivery determined in accordance with Delivery stated above.
You must pay the Order Amount by credit card at the time of submitting the Order. Kultrab accepts Visa, Mastercard, or American Express.